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InsurerCIO's Manager Select: Include your Investment Management Firm

What is InsurerCIO's Manager Select?

InsurerCIO's Manager Select is an extensive database providing in-depth detail on the investment process and performance of fixed-income investment managers who work with insurers. Manager Select will allow insurers to discover and research your firm's insurance specialization, background information, current insurance business, investment process and much more.

With InsurerCIO's Manager Select, insurance companies will have a comprehensive approach to independently review and compare investment managers within our database. The data in Manager Select will also be used by SAA when conducting searches for its clients.

How Can My Firm Be Included in the Database?

If you are an investment manager who works with insurers and wish to have access to our Manager Questionnaire for inclusion in this database, please complete the form to the right with the contact information of your firm's main, desired contact. We will create and authorize your account in order for you to access and complete, at no cost, our Manager Questionnaire. We will email you your login credentials once your account has been authorized.

Please have your firm's questionnaire completed as soon as possible to ensure your firm's inclusion in our initial analysis. Firms who have not completed their questionnaire when the search begins (should it take place) risk not being included.

What Information Can We Provide in the Questionnaire?

Our Investment Manager Questionnaire will enable you to provide information on several important areas including:

  • Background Information
    Ranging from general information (i.e. Contact Info, Key Professionals, Fixed Income Strategies) to in-depth corporate structure (i.e. Code of Ethics, Personnel Changes, Past Litigation, etc.)
  • Assets Under Management
    By Client Category & Strategy
  • Historical Development of Insurance Asset Business
    Your firm's historical record, largest accounts by industry and clients gained/lost
  • General Administrative Information
    Detailing standard fee terms and schedules, provided services, accounting personnel and system, reporting capabilities, etc.
  • Performance Interrogatories
    Providing your firm's composite returns for fixed income mandates and performance attribution
  • Investment Process, Risk Management & Client Services
    Your firm's Decision Making Process, Model Fixed-Income Portfolio, Portfolio Turnover, Recent Challenges, Competitive Advantages and other aspects of your firm's insurance specialization

Note: The information on this website is only intended for U.S.-based/domiciled institutional investors, such as insurers, or insurance-based public entities. Always contact a professional before making any investment decision.  This website only uses cookies that are necessary for it to operate.  For information on how this website utilizes cookies, please view our Privacy Policy (updated as of February 3, 2023).